About Kirin

KIRIN - a history stretching back
more than a century.

The Japan Brewery Company, the forerunner of Kirin, was founded over a hundred years ago in 1885. Just three years later, in 1888, the brewing of Kirin beer began.
The market warmly welcomed Kirin, recognizing the authenticity of a beer made by German brewers using German ingredients.
In 1907, the Japan Brewery Company changed its name to the Kirin Beer Company, and ever since then the company has actively invested in facilities and made strenuous efforts to secure supplies of high-quality malt and hops. Thanks to this, Kirin beer, with its emphasis on quality, has been a favorite of beer-lovers in Japan, attaining a 60% domestic market share in 1972.
1990 saw the launch of Kirin Ichiban Shibori, a unique brew made exclusively from the first press of the wort.
In its very first year, Kirin Ichiban generated a record sales volume, and became one of Kirin's most successful products.
And today, Kirin Ichiban occupies a special place in the hearts of millions of beer-lovers in Japan, and around the world.
The KIRIN: a mythological beast
that portends happiness.

The KIRIN is a mythical creature, a messenger of good luck. Derived from various ancient legends, it is said to appear as a prelude to joyous times.
The KIRIN is a gentle creature that flies in the sky. Also known as a symbol of a peaceful world, it is said to bring days full of peace and tranquility.
For over 130 years, the Kirin brand has wished for the joy and happiness of everyone.